Hitman Joe (Nicolas Cage) goes to Bangkok for a month long assignment, to kill four people for Bangkok gang lord Surat.
He hires pickpocket Kong (Shahkrit Yamnarm) as his go-between, a condition of the contract being that the gang will never meet Joe. Contracts from the Bangkok gangsters go through Kong via a nightclub dancer, who becomes romantically involved with Kong.
Joe's first execution is done in traffic with him riding a bike and stopping in front of the car, he then shoots the target and all in the car with a semi-automatic gun. His second target is a hotel owner, Joe sneaks in to the penthouse and kills the target by drowning him in the pool.
Originally he plans to kill King before he leaves but after Kong gives him information about the second target he begins to train Kong. For the third execution Kong assists Joe, the kill does not go as planned, with the target nearly getting away before Joe catches him and shoots him after a chase in front of many shocked onlookers. Before the third kill the gang attempt to identify Joe, he warns them off.
His fourth target is the Prime Minister of Thailand. Joe is about to make the kill when he has second thoughts he is seen, he escapes through a panicking crowd. Joe is now a target and is attacked at his house by four gang members; he manages to use explosives to take them out and is faced with the choice of rescuing Kong or leaving the country unharmed. Joe decides to rescue Kong, so he sets off to the gangs headquarters with one of the half-alive attackers who was injured in the explosion at Joe's safe house.
Joe goes to the gang's headquarters, kills most of the gang and saves Kong and the dancer. The fearful gang leader has flees to his car with three other accomplices; Joe spots him and shoots the gang members at the front of the car dead. After one of the gang in back of the car attempts to run to safety, Joe kills him. Joe gets into the back seat with Surat, the gang leader.
As the police arrive at the location, Joe is again in a difficult situation; he decides to use what is believed to be his last remaining bullet to kill himself by putting both his and Surat's heads together. Joe then puts the gun up to his temple and pulls the trigger, killing himself and Surat.
Bangkok Dangerous Part 1
Bangkok Dangerous Part 2
Bangkok Dangerous Part 3
Bangkok Dangerous Part 4
Bangkok Dangerous Part 5
Bangkok Dangerous Part 6
Bangkok Dangerous Part 7
Bangkok Dangerous Part 8